Thattekad or Thattekkadu Bird Sanctuary is located in south-west India, in Kerala's Ernakulam District. Diversity of birds is rich and its paradise for birding. Glad that I visited during new year and had great time during birding.
Below are few photos that have captured <please see in full screen>
Below are few photos that have captured <please see in full screen>
Indian Pitta
Sri-Lankan Frog Mouth
Frog Mouth
Malabar Horn-Bill
White Bellied Wood Pecker
Dollar Bird
Blue Bearded Bee Eater
Drongo Cuckoo
Flame Throat-ed BulBul
Crested Tree Swift
Blue Kingfisher
Fly Catcher
Orange Headed-Trush
White Bellied Fly Catcher
Orange Mini-vet
Flying Dragon
Complete Bird List -
Black Baza
Racket Tailed Drongo
Plum Headed Parakeet
Indian Pitta
Cuckoo Drongo
Crested Tree swift
Blue Beared Bea-Eater
Pigmy Wood Pecker
Rufous Wood Pecker
Great Flame Black
Black Hooded Oriole
Malabar Grey Hornbill
Serpant Eagle
Bronzed Drongo
Blue Wood Pecker
White Throat-ed Wood Pecker
Ashy Wood Swallow
Whiskered Tern
Jungle Owl
Rock Pigeon
Spotted Dove
Red Wattled Lapwing
Purple Rumped Sunbird
Great Egret
Pond Heron
White-Cheeked Barbet
Rufous Treepie
Oriental Magpie Robin
Braminy Starling
Chestnut Tailed Starling
Hill Myna
Jungle Babbler
Yellow Wagtail
White Colored Wood Pecker
Tickle's Blue Fly Catcher
Srilankan Frog Mouth
Malabar Trojan
White Bellied Wood Pecker
Heart Sports Wood Pecker
Indian Blue Robin
Blue Throated Fly Catcher
White Bellied Blue Flycatcher
Dark Fronted Babbler
Doller Bird
Scoop Owl
Orange Beaded Thrush
Flame Throated BulBul
Verditor (Hanging) Parrot
Hemarald dove
Grey Fronted Green Pigeon
Purple Sunbird
Tawny Bellied Babbler