
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Kabini Back Water Visit

Visiting to Kabini back water is an amazing experience, the back water view is splendid which gives many options to explore in photography. Here are my experiments!!

Some of the Egret Perspectives:

My Space

My World

Egret Portrait




My Space

Curious Egrets


My Space

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bannerghatta Birding

Bannerghatta visit was a surprise as I got a chance to make Elephant mud bath Images.

                                                                        Mud Bath

                                                                       Mud Bath


                                                                            The Family


                                                                   Green Bee Eater

Indian Robin

                                                                           Ashy Prinia

                                                                    Red Whiskered Bulbul

 White throated Kingfisher

Bush Chat Female

Nandi Hills Birding

It was long wait for Birding in Nandi Hills and finally we made it; and back without any disapointment.
Some says Nandi Hills never disapoints!!!

Here are some of the birds we got to see in Nandi Hills.

                                                                Common Tailor Bird

                                                                  Eurasian Black Bird

                                                              Orange Headed Thrush

                                                                Orange Headed Thrush

                                                                 Oriental White Eye

                                                                   Purple Rumped SunBird

                                                              Rufous Bellied Babbler

                                                              Rufous Bellied Babbler


  Tickell's Blue FlyCatcher

 White Cheeked Barbet

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Stilts - A Perspective

These images are taken in Mallathahalli lake near Nagarbhavi. The lake is spoiled with many wastages floating around due to free flowing of drainage water to lake.

Birds activity is good in this lake and am glad that I made these images of black winged stilts.

                     <Please click on images to view in full screen for better view>

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Complete Story

Photographs tell us stories;  Photographs reflects our emotions.

With below experiments I have tried to complete a story which I couldn’t do with single image. It’s all about how we feel and interpret them.

                                      (Please click on images to view in full screen)

For me, below image tells a story about us - we will be nothing untill we born, then we get an identity and our dear friends presence make us complete.

This one tells about how some things/situations in life brings beauty/happiness. They may not last forever; will remain forever within us.

The heavenly mood of the cloud passing in front of moon and the dried branches tells how beautiful we can interpret the things around us.

Creative Vision

Creative Nature Photography is always interesting, each will represents a subject in their unique manner. I always try to experiment the subject with all possible ways (extend to my knowledge) and try to get creative outcome from that.
Each one will try interpreting the images in their own way; I have tried to show what I have felt in below images.

                                       (Please click on images to view in full screen)





                                                                   Cutting Through!!                                                                



                                                                          Nature Art

                                                                       Life lines